Monday, April 22, 2013

Hoof Hearted?

Hoof hearted? We did. Right before we took a massive dump on the field.

Last week we had some mishaps. I could tell you right now about how our captain Jamie Robison dropped an easy pop fly to first because he wouldn’t set his beer down and his confidence in his catching ability was much overstated. Or I could tell you about how sweet Allie was so excited about getting to first that she forgot to run to second. I could go on and on, really. But instead, I will just tell you this:

We have found our wheel-house, and it is not playing kickball. Nay, it is drinking beer. We drink beer well and often. When this is combined with kickball, we do not perform what one would call “well.”

This week we play Milk Muscles, and seeing as I am lactose intolerant, I anticipate much more shitting on the field.

Did I mention that we love drinking? Don’t feel bad for us; buy us a beer.

Over and out. Don’t be mad when we cropdust you.

-Hoof hearted?

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