Monday, April 15, 2013


Well, the Evolutionaries have been upset that we've not been out on the field to further prove what incredibly awesome kickballers we all are.  We shut out our first opponent, Kicks and Giggles, 6-0 and are ready to show all the other teams in our conference how BEAST we are.  We had a good showing out at Grandad's last Tuesday and are working our flip cup techniques.  Don't mess with us at the flip cup table either!  Through a totally legit Facebook vote, we determined our All-Star players this past week.  They are Amanda Satterwhite and Dual Doran - congrats guys, we know you will do us proud at the mid-season party All-Star game.  Also, they will not be dressing as clowns, per request from Kai.  Until then....kick a possum!! 

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