Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pink Tacos

Dear Kickin’ Nuggets,

I hope we didn’t scare you away from kickball.  I am only kind of sorry that we beat you 20-1, but I’m really not that sorry.  Now that the butt kicking is over, come take shots with us anytime!

Now on to Kick Me Baby, One More Time…

After checking our schedule, you guys are the only real competition we will face until playoffs.  This doesn’t mean that we are scared because we are definitely ready to kick some Britney Spears loving ass. (I assume that’s where you got your awesome kickball name… insert sarcasm here) Definitely join us for shots before and after the game to soothe your loss.

I do want to welcome some new and returning players to our team!  First there is John Gardner, Apache pulled him out of the woodwork but we are excited to have such an athletic new player!  Then we have Bryan Williamson, he finally joins us for kickball and has displayed amazing skills when it comes to first base.  Next we have returning taco Marianna Storozyszyn, along with her awesomeness; she makes our taco girls even hotter.  Last but not least we have Oscar Esparza Jr. we happily stole Oscar from the Stepdads (AKA our conference commissioner’s team) and it might have been the best thing that ever happened to us as a team and Oscar.  He is one of the best catchers in the league so come out and see what our little Mexican can do!

I dedicate this picture to our kickass captain Apache Master.  We wouldn’t be who we are without him! However, if you haven’t already noticed our theme this year is Indian Tacos, so don’t get too close to Apache, he might scalp you…

1-2-3 EAT IT!

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