
Monday, July 29, 2013

Hoof Hearted?

Hoof hearted?

Oh, hello… Your poop-brown friends here. This week we play the Pink Tacos, and we would be remiss if we did not exploit this team for what/ who they are. Vaginas.

Now listen… I love and appreciate the female anatomy as much as anyone, but it is important to note the negative connotation given to this terming when on a field of battle. As it were, history has proven to us that the tacos are largely vaginal in their style of play, and we hope to exploit that this week. They will be exploited via a number of negative actions such as:   Cooter Punch  or Vaginal Vampire

Also, in case you were previously unaware, a restaurant chain which shares the same name as our Taco friends was previously banned from franchising in Arizona. I say that we all rally behind our forward-thinking-Arizonian friends, and finally admonish these tacos for their antics, yes?

Do we fart? You bet. But opinions are like ass-holes and everybody’s got one. And at least our emissions of air are not coming from the “pink,” yes? And girls don’t actually fart because that is gross. (This last sentence is not important to the greater theme of this blog, but I suppose I just needed to clarify that.) 

Alright, see you out there, you dirty tacos.
(p.s. We secretly love you and want to lick you… after we spank you. Ok, byeeeeeeee.)

Hoof hearted? OUT!


Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God
I don't know but today seems kinda odd
No barking from the dogs, no fog
And fiance cooked a breakfast with no hog
I got my grub on, but didn't pig out
Finally got a call from James who wants to kick about
Hooked it up on later as I hit the do'
Thinking I got kickball , under twenty-fo'
I gotta go cause I got wash my WAKA top
And if I buy those new kicks, I'd make your draw drop
Had to stop at a red light
Looking in my mirror not a Pink Taco in sight
And everything is alright
I got a call from MG and he can Flip Cup all night
Called up the StepDads and I'm askin y'all
Which field, are we playin kickball?
Get me on the field and I'm trouble
Last week made Lookin 2 Score kick into a double
Scaring Ballsagna everyway like O.J.
I can't believe, today is a good day

-Brent East

Speakin' of good days.  Check it out... One of our players got some new kicks.  I don't want to give it away, but how could you not miss these pretty shoes on the field!

Congratulations to Collin Fleck on being our Player of the Week last week with a home run!

Bad News Beers

Can we say Heat Stroke?!?!? It was hot as Hades last week, but the Beers stayed cool with a 9-6 win over We Got The Runs.( Although, they did beat us at flipcup later, so I must give props where they are deserved.)

Neuman wowed us with his homeruns and Analyshia kept them out on second. I could have scored if a certain catcher hadn't been in the way. Damn, I should have plowed them over....

This week we play Wanna Be A Baller and Oh no!!! Looks like they are undefeated! Do I see a challenge on our horizon?
With a steady kick and our witty banter, we accept!!

Pink Tacos

This week we are pumped up and ready to pimp slap Hoof Hearted? We had a week off for rest and relaxation, and now we are ready to go.  Some of us Tacos are torn this week because we love our friends on the Hoof Hearted? team, but that won’t stop us from taking down a poop brown kickball team.  We just have one word of advice, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself!

We want you to know, that you are welcome to come have a pre-game drink with us, AND a post-game celebratory drink; celebrating our win of course.

1-2-3 EAT IT!

P.S. This will probably guarantee that we don’t win the blog contest, but this video clip reminds me of our commishiner M.G. (look I used the periods!) I hope you all agree with me…

Nonsensical Ninjas

Well, it seems we might have under trained last week with those 100,000,000 kicks that we talked about. Kickelob Ultra is a fine and solid squad so first of all we'll give props to the winning team. Now, that being said, we played the worst game of kickball seen since 1st grade special ed class.  We dropped at least 5 or 6 easy balls, and couldn't kick to save our lives.  My 5 year old son could have scored multiple runs against us that day, and he doesn't have any legs (not true, they're just really little legs, and to be fair he's already a soccer stud).

After the 2-1 loss we stayed through nightfall to workout some kinks, and continued our ninja training throughout the week.

Another Practice Sunday for the Denver Tourney, then on to Tuesday where another worthy opponent "Balls in Dootie" will be taken to the wood shed (like WAKA Texas Ranger week 2). Nothing personal, just caught us on a rebound week.

With a little sweat, luck and tips from Ninja Diemon Daves we should be ready to go!

your sensei and Nonsensical Ninjas

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nonsensical Ninjas

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

--Bruce Lee

Bad news for KICKELOB ULTRA, while y'all were out booze'n all weekend, we've practiced 10,000 kick, 10,000 times. I know, its hard to believe we could get any better...

PS, don't worry Jack Booty Thongs, we haven't forgot about you. Week 1 the lights saved you, Week 2 the rain, and week 3 your Bye.  NOTHING will save you come week 4!

your sensei & Nonsensical Ninjas,

Sunday, July 21, 2013


This season is off to a great start.  We have won against two tough opponents and are looking forward to playing Drunk and Looking to Score.  They are a talented bunch, but I think they are beatable.  This weekend the Stepdads had a practice session that was closed to the media.  We watched film, we studied our own swings and throws, and we are improved and ready to show we are a team in contention of the championship.  

Last week against the Kickin' Nuggets, Dillon was our Player of the Game.  Not only did he bring jello shots and gummy bears, but he also had one the most circus catches I have ever seen.  I wish it was recorded somewhere.  

If you aren't playing at 7:45 this is the game to watch!   

Bad News Beers

Our first game (last week was a BYE) and what a wet splendor it was!!!

All players showed up except one and only two people got hurt. Even though it was a loss, we managed to keep Drunk And looking to Score at bay with only four runs. Pretty good for having rookies on our team.

Look out We got the Runs, because we're ready to give you some kickball diarrhea.....

Pink Tacos

We had a really hard loss last week, and it was against a high caliber team.  We want to give props to where props are due, so congrats Kick Me Baby, One More Time, you put up one tough fight.

This week we have a bye so we are ref’ing instead of playing, BUT we will be unveiling our new kickball shirts so we will see you out on the fields!

1-2-3 EAT IT!

Hoof Hearted?

This is how Hoof hearted? feels after our victory last week. Though we be nubile still, we finally recognize how wonderful it feels to live up to our true potential.

And henceforth and forevermore we will make this face while winning and passing gas both.

Hoof hearted?

Sunday, July 14, 2013


There isn't more to say.  IBWIK is a good team and they will be a threat throughout the season.  We  humbly take our win and realize it is just a "one game at a time" season.  We are playing for nothing less than to win the Championship.

Next week we take on the Kickin' Nuggets and they just got embarrassed by our rival team the Pink Tacos. It may not sound fair but we have to win just as much.  So Kickin' Nuggets be ready to meet a lot of new friends, you will have plenty of chances to get to know us as we are running the bases!

Congratulates to Kate Lemon on being our Player of the Game last week.  I am looking for a breakout performance this game by someone over 6 feet tall...

If you want to keep up with us- be sure to Like us on FB:

Nonsensical Ninjas

So, it seems We Ninjas trained a little too hard in preparations for the Summer League.

Because of this, Week 1 either the lights were too afraid to come on or JACKS BOOTY THONGS rigged it as to get out of the game early.  Would make sense since they were begging to call the game over and a TIE after a mere 2 innings at 0-0 (we were just getting warmed-up), and it seems right now the Sun might even try to hide from the Ninjas on Tuesday!  Shall we meet Tuesday JBT & WAKA TEXAS RANGERS will suffer the consequences!

Food for thought. My kickball game is kinda like my Ping-Pong game shown here:

your Sensai &
Nonsensical Ninja

Pink Tacos

Dear Kickin’ Nuggets,

I hope we didn’t scare you away from kickball.  I am only kind of sorry that we beat you 20-1, but I’m really not that sorry.  Now that the butt kicking is over, come take shots with us anytime!

Now on to Kick Me Baby, One More Time…

After checking our schedule, you guys are the only real competition we will face until playoffs.  This doesn’t mean that we are scared because we are definitely ready to kick some Britney Spears loving ass. (I assume that’s where you got your awesome kickball name… insert sarcasm here) Definitely join us for shots before and after the game to soothe your loss.

I do want to welcome some new and returning players to our team!  First there is John Gardner, Apache pulled him out of the woodwork but we are excited to have such an athletic new player!  Then we have Bryan Williamson, he finally joins us for kickball and has displayed amazing skills when it comes to first base.  Next we have returning taco Marianna Storozyszyn, along with her awesomeness; she makes our taco girls even hotter.  Last but not least we have Oscar Esparza Jr. we happily stole Oscar from the Stepdads (AKA our conference commissioner’s team) and it might have been the best thing that ever happened to us as a team and Oscar.  He is one of the best catchers in the league so come out and see what our little Mexican can do!

I dedicate this picture to our kickass captain Apache Master.  We wouldn’t be who we are without him! However, if you haven’t already noticed our theme this year is Indian Tacos, so don’t get too close to Apache, he might scalp you…

1-2-3 EAT IT!

Hoof Hearted?

Hoof hearted?

We're back. We're wearing poop brown a the gods intended, and we are as gassy as ever. We tied our first game, and we did not have any major injuries. These are our little victories. As the weeks continue, we anticipate much more sweat, many-a-victory, and some sweet chocolate brown lovin' from all of us to you.

See (smell) you out there.

-Hoof hearted?

Monday, July 8, 2013


Get Ready, Boys and Girls. If you don't know, ask your friends. 

     "If you are unafraid, you are uninformed."


Here we are.  Last summer Stepdads played a great season and took down some really talented teams to be crowned as Capital League's champion.  It's hard to believe that two seasons have gone by with lackluster results.  When you are at the top, your players are coveted and your greats go on.  A few now play for OKC, some play for Milk Muscles, and yes even our rival- the Pink Tacos.    

We have taken the off-season and retooled.  As general manager I am proud to say our team is as good, if not better than the summer team that won it all last year.  I am not saying our path shall be easy.  There are a lot more teams than there were last summer.    

Hopefully me and my friend Clifton D. Emert and I will be playing bingo once again...

I love this trophy.