
Monday, July 29, 2013

Nonsensical Ninjas

Well, it seems we might have under trained last week with those 100,000,000 kicks that we talked about. Kickelob Ultra is a fine and solid squad so first of all we'll give props to the winning team. Now, that being said, we played the worst game of kickball seen since 1st grade special ed class.  We dropped at least 5 or 6 easy balls, and couldn't kick to save our lives.  My 5 year old son could have scored multiple runs against us that day, and he doesn't have any legs (not true, they're just really little legs, and to be fair he's already a soccer stud).

After the 2-1 loss we stayed through nightfall to workout some kinks, and continued our ninja training throughout the week.

Another Practice Sunday for the Denver Tourney, then on to Tuesday where another worthy opponent "Balls in Dootie" will be taken to the wood shed (like WAKA Texas Ranger week 2). Nothing personal, just caught us on a rebound week.

With a little sweat, luck and tips from Ninja Diemon Daves we should be ready to go!

your sensei and Nonsensical Ninjas

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