
Monday, May 6, 2013

Kick Tease

Last week was a battle of epic proportions as Kick Tease finally faced a worthy opponent in the Pink Tacos.   In the end, Kick Tease was once again victorious, but we gained a lot of respect for our pink friends who love tacos and beer.  Out of respect, after the game we stuffed our faces with tacos from Big Truck.

Enough with being nice and respectful, time to get back to kicking ass and taking names.  Last week was too close - our offense was unacceptable and our defense was just plain offensive.  This week it’s time to get the train back on the tracks against the guy we all love to hate the Stepdads.

We know Stepdads will be out to get us as this is a must win game to save their season. They currently sit on the outside looking in on the playoff hunt with only one win on the season.  After every week, and every loss they seem to have a new excuse for why their team sucks at life.  They seem to be better at making excuses than kicking balls.  It’s all they do good.  It’s either a leg thing or a spiritual thing, or a psychological thing, or a heart attack.  (We are just guessing that the heart attack excuse comes next)

Stepdads, you have the potential to be a great team, but we’d just like to say, you’re standing on the tracks and the train’s coming though butt head.   

Kick Tease out.

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